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Case study

Spatial Transcriptomics Data Analysis Pipeline for Research and Diagnostics

Discover Precision Insights with Strand's Cutting-Edge Spatial Transcriptomics

  • Advanced Gene Mapping: Spatial transcriptomics (ST) by Strand quantifies gene expression within tissue, providing deep insights into cell biology.
  • Cutting-Edge Applications: Used for immune profiling in tumors, reconstructing developmental processes, and creating spatial atlases of tissues and organs.
  • Optimized Data Analysis: Strand's robust end-to-end pipeline offers fast, comprehensive analysis of ST data, overcoming challenges in cell type annotation and data integration.
  • Pioneering Advancements: Leveraging reduced sequencing costs, enhanced imaging, and powerful computing to generate and analyze extensive spatial and gene expression data.
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Decoding Ulcerative Colitis at the Cellular Level with our Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data Curation Portal


Spatial Transcriptomics Workflow for Integrated Analysis and Precise Cell-type Annotations

Tech Note

Highlighting the Expertise Behind StrandOmics: Advancing Germline and Somatic Variant Classification

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