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Revolutionize Oncology with StrandIris: Rapid, Reliable, and Robust NGS Reporting

  • Automated Tertiary Analysis: StrandIris provides a nearly automated, HIPAA-compliant solution for reporting variants from oncology NGS panels, delivering clinical reports within 1-2 minutes.
  • Extensive Knowledgebase: The system is powered by a comprehensive knowledgebase including over 640 genes, 24,000 variants, 1100 cancer-related drugs, 89,000 clinical trials, and 2300 therapy recommendations.
  • Accurate and Comprehensive Recommendations: StrandIris integrates somatic variant-drug associations and functional variant classification to offer precise and wide-ranging therapy options, including lesser-known promising drugs.
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Decoding Ulcerative Colitis at the Cellular Level with our Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data Curation Portal


Spatial Transcriptomics Workflow for Integrated Analysis and Precise Cell-type Annotations

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Spatial Transcriptomics Data Analysis Pipeline for Research and Diagnostics

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